Pen Review: TWSBI Eco
Fountain pen review

Pen Review: TWSBI Eco

    I always keep an eye on what TWSBI is working on, I appreciate that they share concepts and projects with the fountain pen communi...

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The Desk: Penatomy - TWSBI Micarta

The Desk: Penatomy - TWSBI Micarta

   The cartridge / converter ink systems are very common in contemporary fountain pens and the TWSBI Micarta features this system. This ...

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Ink Review: Corn Poppy Red by Mont Blanc
Ink review

Ink Review: Corn Poppy Red by Mont Blanc

Corn Poppy Red Mont Blanc      I was quite impressed with other Mont Blanc inks I have tried and decided to give another on...

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Ink Review: Rome Burning by Noodlers
Ink review

Ink Review: Rome Burning by Noodlers

Rome Burning Noodler's Ink      The idea of an ink that changed colour when exposed to water excited me and that is one o...

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The Drawer: 18 again - 8th Update

The Drawer: 18 again - 8th Update

     The Omas Articula is the third Italian pen in my collection and to make room for it the Esterbrook model J has been removed.      The...

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Pen Review: Mont Blanc Meisterstuck #12
Fountain pen review

Pen Review: Mont Blanc Meisterstuck #12

     I really enjoy the design of hooded nibs and the style of this nib is gorgeous. The pen has similarities to the Pelikan MK10 w...

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Ink Review: Blue by Pilot
Ink review

Ink Review: Blue by Pilot

Blue Pilot      Not fan of blue inks but this one came included with a Pilot custom 823 fountain pen gift box. The bottle i...

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8th Addition: Omas / Levenger Articula

8th Addition: Omas / Levenger Articula

     This is a pen sold by Levenger during the late 90's early 2000's. Levenger partnered up with Omas to create a piston filling...

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Ink Review: Oyster Grey by Mont Blanc
Ink review

Ink Review: Oyster Grey by Mont Blanc

Oyster Grey Mont Blanc       Oyster Grey from Mont Blanc has an ink colour that I gravitated towards, I don't see it ofte...

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Ink Review: Mystery Black by Mont Blanc
Ink review

Ink Review: Mystery Black by Mont Blanc

Mystery Black Mont Blanc      Mont Blanc fountain pen inks are said to be well behaved and low maintenance. To add, the inkwell ...

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