The Drawer : First Look

     My drawer has only 18 slots. Shown here are 17 fountain pens and one brush pen. This collection is a mix of old and new but all are functional. My intent is to use the pens to write and/or sketch on a daily basis. My goal is to have this drawer filled with pens that I love to look at and love to use but most of all I would like be inspired to write and draw every time I open this drawer.
Best Fountain Pens
---The drawer contents from left to write
  1. 1920's Parker Parkette Zepher
  2. 2010's Pilot Metropolitan
  3. 2010's Noodler's Ahab
  4. 2010's Pilot Elite 95s
  5. 2000's Hero 616
  6. 2010's TWSBI Classic
  7. 1940's Waterman W2
  8. 2000's Waterman Kultur Reflectis
  9. 1920's Wahl  62-ASC
  10. 1990's Custom Woody Kit pen
  11. 1970's Sheaffer No-nonsense
  12. 2010's Noodler's Creaper
  13. 1980's Sheaffer Targa
  14. 1960's Pelikan MK10
  15. 2010's Pilot Metropolitan
  16. 2000's Noodler's Konrad Brush pen
  17. 2010's TWSBI mini
  18. 1960's Parker 51 Special

Gord A

A student of Architecture that is very particular when choosing a tool.

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